If you're using the enterprise version of WISP, you can use our WHMCS module to automate service deployment when someone buys a service.

Installing the module on WHMCS

Video tutorial (based on Pterodactyl and WHMCS 7)

  1. Download or Git Clone the module from the Github Repository.
  2. Move the whole wisp folder from the .zip file or Git clone into <path to whmcs>/modules/servers/ with the path being where you installed WHMCS. For example, /var/www/whmcs



Linking WHMCS to WISP

Go to your WISP Admin Panel , on the left, navigate to Administration → Application API, and create a new key with the following permissions:


  1. In WHMCS 8+ navigate to System Settings → Servers. For WHMCS 7 or below navigate to Setup → Products/Services → Servers.

  2. Create a new server, change Module to WISP, fill the Password field with your Application API Key, and set the hostname to your Panel instance URL. For example, mypanel.panel.gg


    <aside> ☝🏽 If you’re using an apex domain add www. to the start of your hostname!


  3. Click Test Connection, and you will be forwarded to the next page should the Hostname and Password be correct. On the next page, change the Name to anything you want, tick the Secure option, and Save Changes.

  4. Go back to the Servers page. Click Create New Group, name it anything you want, choose the previously created server, and click Add and Save Changes.


Creating a Product

  1. Navigate to System Settings or Setup → Products/Services

  2. Create a Product Group if you don't have one. After that, click Create a New Product, choose Product Type as Other, set Module to WISP, and set the Product Name to anything.


  3. Click the Module Settings tab, choose WISP for the Module Name, and the group you created earlier for the Server Group.

  4. Fill in all the non-optional fields for your Product and it's ready for sales!

Make sure to change the Location, Nest and Egg ID. The default values are most likely wrong for your Panel.

Make sure to change the Location, Nest and Egg ID. The default values are most likely wrong for your Panel.

Keep on reading for more information about the module and advanced product configuration.